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Cornhole Game Rules
Cornhole, Bags, Bean Bag Toss … whatever you choose to call it, there's little chance you haven't seen this game at a tailgate, in the park, or on a tavern patio. It's taken the leisure sports world by storm, or at least as enthusiastically as a game played with a beer in hand can. We love it, and we love to provide the best in boards, bags, and accessories for your game. Here's a quick look at setup, rules, and tips to help get your first game going.
The Boards
A game requires two identical targets. There are smaller sets designed for portability, but the standard dimensions are 2 x 3 foot and 2 x 4 foot.
You'll find boards for every budget, in a variety of materials and designs. A basic set will feature boards for the surface and simple fold-out legs. More durable, heavy-duty sets feature well-crafted wooden frames, support braces, and other build features that increase stability and reduce bounce.
The Bags
Each team will have 4 handheld bean bags of matching color. Most commonly you'll see red and blue, but there are near-infinite colors available. These are the standards:
6 by 6 inches square
Between 14 and 16 inches
Made of durable duck cloth canvas
Filled with corn feed or river rock
Game Setup
Cornhole can be played on just about any flat surface, including grass and pavement. In a regulation setup, the holes are set 33 feet apart. That's 27 feet between the fronts of the boards, for easy measuring.
There are 2 players per team, and 2 players standing by each box. But you won't be standing next to your teammate - stand across from your teammate, next to your opponent. The game is broken down into innings in which 2 players from opposing teams throw their 4 bags. When it's your turn, you'll alternate throws with the opponent next to you. When all 8 bags have been thrown, it's time to count the score.
When throwing, your foot cannot cross the invisible line made by the front of the board. A violation negates your throw.
Who throws first? The team that last scored a point. For the first round, flip a coin or rock-paper-scissors to determine first throw
Bag Toss Technique
A hotly, debated topic. On the pavement before a football game, you're likely to see overhand, underhand, granny-style, behind the back, and just about anything else. A standard throw is underhand, and there are a couple prevailing theories on how best to throw:
A high arc toss increases accuracy and reduces bounce-off. By maximizing the downward force of the toss, the cornhole bag tends to stay on the board.
A low arc toss has too much forward momentum. The toss is more likely to bounce off the back of the cornhole board.
A roll or skip toss uses a shorter shot with lots of forward momentum to bounce the bag onto the board. Success of this type of throw will depend on your playing surface.
There are two ways to score - land a bag on the board or get a bag through the hole. A bag resting on the board is worth 1 point and a bag in the hole is worth 3. Points scored by your opponent during each turn cancel yours out, and that's where competition comes in. If you get 1 in the hole and 2 on the board, you have 5 points. But if, in the same turn, your opponent throws 2 bags through the hole and 1 on the board, they've scored 7 points. The score for that inning? Them = 2; You = 0. Only one team gets any points in an inning.
Innings go back and forth between players until one team reaches a total of 21 points.
As with any yard game, the rules are pretty flexible. These approximate those laid out by the sport's governing body, the American Cornhole Association, but the details of your game are ultimately up to you.
Washer Board Game Rules
Alternative Names: Texas Horseshoes, Washers Toss, Holy Boards, Washoes, Washers Toss, Washer
Setting up your Original Washer Board Game:
Place your Original Washer Boards 10’ apart; which is easily measured by the 10’ connecting rope. Six metal washers are provided with your game. Teams may be distinguished by a small hole drilled through three of the washers. Original Washers may be played on a level lawn, on the beach, camping, or anyplace else you wish to play.
Initial Play:
Each individual, or one member of each team, throws a washer. Whoever gets the highest points, or gets closest to a hole, chooses if they want go first or second. Players may either stand on, or next to the board. The foul line is at the front of each board.
For a Two Player Game (1-on-1):
Each player will throw their washers from the same side, to the opposite board. The first player will throw their 3 washers; the second player will then throw their 3 washers to complete one round.
After all washers have been tossed, and scores are noted, players will move to the opposite board to continue play.
For Team Play (2-on-2):
Team members will throw from opposite boards. The first player from Team One will toss three washers; the first player from Team Two will toss their 3 washer to the same board. Note scores.
Opposing players pick up washers, and proceed to throw from their side. Team One, player two, throws their 3 washers, then Team Two player two. This completes a round. After all washers have been tossed, and scores are noted.
The last player or team to score plays first in the next round. A cancel does not affect this.
Keeping Score:
1) One point is scored for the hole closest to the front of the board.
2) Three points are scored for the center hole.
3) Five points are scored for the last hole on the board.
To score points the washer must fall entirely into the hole.
If a washer is knocked into a hole either by an opponent or by a team member, the points go to the player who originally threw the washer.
If during a round, opponents each toss a washer into the same hole, neither player scores; a player may in this way cancel another player’s successful score.
Winning the Game:
Rules and scoring may be changed, but must be agreed to prior to the start of the game.
The first player or team to reach no more and no less than 21 points wins the game! The round must be complete.
If a score exceeds 21 points a penalty is incurred. If you go over 21 points your score is reduced by the number of points you scored to cause you to exceed 21.
Example: A player or team has a score of 19, and they score another “5.” This puts them at 24, which is over “21.” The previous score must be reduced by 5, the score that caused them to exceed “21.” The score is now 14. If you have exactly 21, you would obviously not want to score any more points for that turn. Toss it to the wind!
Mercy Rule: If one side outscores the opponent by 13 points or more to zero…the other team must call “Mercy!” The other team wins.